As a translator in a Chinese translation company, what is a good way to make medical translation more accurate?
1. Understand the standard of medical English translation.
Translation is a linguistic activity in which one language is transformed into another and the meaning expressed is consistent with the original language. Medical English translation is inseparable from the nature of translation. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of faithfulness and smoothness. Therefore, all medical English translations should accurately and completely express the meaning of the original text, and there should be no structural confusion.
2, pay attention to avoid grammatical mistakes in medical translation.
想要将醫(yī)學(xué)英文(wén)翻譯工(gōng)作(zuò)做得好,首先就應該避免在翻譯過程中(zhōng)出現語法錯誤,隻有(yǒu)語法正确,才能(néng)将原文(wén)的含義表達清楚。因此,醫(yī)學(xué)英文(wén)翻譯工(gōng)作(zuò)者必須要具(jù)備紮實的語法知識。例如:A woman with child came to hospital to seek medical help.不懂語法的人就會直接翻譯成:一個帶着孩子的女人去醫(yī)院就診,但正确的翻譯應該是:一個孕婦去醫(yī)院就診。with child是懷孕的意思,而with a child才是帶着孩子的意思。
If you want to do a good job in medical English translation, you should first avoid grammatical errors in the translation process. Only when the grammar is correct, can the meaning of the original be clearly expressed. Therefore, medical English translators must have a solid knowledge of grammar. A woman with child came to hospital to seek medical help. With child is the meaning of pregnancy, and with a child is the meaning of bringing a child.
3. How to deal with vocabulary in medical English translation
Medical English vocabulary is characterized by its strong professionalism. The meaning of a word is strictly limited by its collocation and context. Therefore, in the process of medical English translation, it is necessary to give reasonable and accurate meanings according to the context and collocation of words so as to make the translation smooth and standardized. The meaning of ordinary English words can not be understood according to the meaning of the context to be extended, in medical English translation is impossible to encounter every word contains only one meaning, so the necessary conversion of parts of speech.
4. Mastering the processing method of sentence structure in medical English translation.
醫(yī)學(xué)英文(wén)翻譯屬于科(kē)技(jì )翻譯,這就要求譯文(wén)的句子結構要嚴謹,邏輯性要強,詞句選用(yòng)精(jīng)确。又(yòu)因為(wèi)醫(yī)學(xué)文(wén)章多(duō)以叙事推理(lǐ)為(wèi)重,強調客觀性,因而,醫(yī)學(xué)英文(wén)句型結構表現的多(duō)為(wèi)複雜。所以根醫(yī)學(xué)英文(wén)的特殊性,可(kě)以對被動結構增詞或換詞的方式,用(yòng)主動語态翻譯,使譯文(wén)通順,不能(néng)按照原文(wén)的語法結構生硬的進行翻譯。
Medical English translation belongs to science and technology translation, which requires that the sentence structure of the translation should be rigorous, logical and precise. Because most medical articles focus on narrative reasoning and emphasize objectivity, the sentence structure of medical English is complicated. Therefore, due to the particularity of root medicine English, we can translate the passive structure by adding words or changing words in an active voice so as to make the translation smoothly and not to translate according to the grammatical structure of the original.