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2018-11-09 11:08:10


  Translators in translation companies may question their translation ability after some setbacks. Therefore, they will enter the bottleneck of translation and do not know what to do. At this time, we can only improve our translation ability to come out. So as a translator, how can we improve our translation ability?


  In fact, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", and the ability to translate is growing in practice. Constantly train your translation ability and keep translating. When there is a clear difference between the first translation and the last translation of the same book, you will find that you have made progress.

  翻譯這條路是沒有(yǒu)什麽捷徑可(kě)以走的,唯一的路就是不停的練習。一個同聲翻譯,在正式成為(wèi)同聲翻譯之前,他(tā)至少精(jīng)聽過大量的材料。而想要成為(wèi)一個合格的翻譯,達到翻譯技(jì )能(néng)的水平,起碼要翻譯3-5萬字,想要成為(wèi)一個熟練的翻譯,10-15萬字的量是不可(kě)少的。

  There is no shortcut to translate this road. The only way is to keep practicing. At the same time, he had heard at least a great deal of material before he became a simultaneous interpreter. In order to be a qualified translator and achieve the level of translation skills, at least 30-50,000 words should be translated. To be a skilled translator, the amount of 100-150,000 words is indispensable.


  So, I would like to ask how many words have been translated? And in your translation, do you cover all kinds of materials? Whether it is a paper, a contract, or a product description, or poetry, lyrics, prose and fiction, the translation of various styles should be courageous to try to translate.


  Translation has always been advocated as a specialist, but now translation is not only professional, but also versatile. In addition to being proficient in a particular field of expertise, we also need to learn and dabble in other related fields of knowledge, which is the translation talents needed in the 21st century.


  Question four


  Is vocabulary important?

  詞彙是要積累的,很(hěn)難想象一個隻有(yǒu)5000詞彙的人能(néng)翻譯好東西,因為(wèi)找不到可(kě)以用(yòng)來表達你想表達意思的詞。詞彙量代表一個人的思維能(néng)力,British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill,有(yǒu)90,000詞彙量,相當高,一個英語專業八級的學(xué)生按理(lǐ)說詞彙量是13,000,而一個受過良好教育的英美國(guó)人,詞彙量為(wèi)25,000。

  Vocabulary is to be accumulated. It's hard to imagine a person with only 5000 words can translate good things, because you can't find words to express what you want to express. Vocabulary represents a person's thinking ability. British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, has 90,000 vocabulary, which is quite high. An English major with TEM8 is supposed to have a vocabulary of 13,000, while an educated British and American has a vocabulary of 25,000.


  Question one


  How to balance the relationship between note taking and listening?


  Initial note-taking, listening and recording can not be synchronized, when listening forget memory, when memory forget to listen, when listening analysis forget to record. Finally, notes are not written down, nor have short-term memories been played out.

  口譯筆(bǐ)記,不是單純的機械記錄,更不是簡單的速記,它是融合聽、分(fēn)析、記憶、記錄等多(duō)個環節的多(duō)任務(wù)作(zuò)業。口譯員需要做到“一心多(duō)用(yòng)”,合理(lǐ)的分(fēn)配自己的精(jīng)力(effort coordination)。初學(xué)口譯筆(bǐ)記的人,由于沒有(yǒu)不能(néng)合理(lǐ)的分(fēn)配,難免出現聽和記錄不同步的現象。

  Interpretation note-taking is not a simple mechanical record, nor a simple shorthand. It is a multi-task task that integrates listening, analysis, memory and recording. Interpreters need to "multipurpose" and reasonably allocate their energy (effort coordination). For beginners of interpreting notes, the phenomenon of asynchrony between listening and recording inevitably arises because of the unreasonable distribution of notes.


  The distribution and coordination of energy in interpreting are similar to driving and listening to the radio. Driving requires a high degree of concentration, but when you listen to interesting topics, you will subconsciously devote your energy to listening, slow down the throttle, and reduce the energy of vehicle control. If interpreting is the same, we must learn to make reasonable deployment among different tasks.


  When we hear difficult points and main information points and need analysis, we can slow down the rhythm of recording and concentrate more on listening comprehension. When the difficulty of listening is low, the energy inclines to recording, speeds up the rhythm of writing, achieves overall balance and moderate allocation. It's like putting a valve in the brain and distributing the energy through the valve.


  Through reasonable methods and effective contacts, the energy coordination ability of multiple tasks can be improved, and the synchronization of listening, writing and memory can be realized.


  The first method is to write numbers at relatively uniform speed (from 1 to 100 or from 100 to 1) while listening to a passage. After listening, repeat the passage.


  We must pay attention to the speed of writing. We can't write a number in a few seconds or N numbers in a second. We can't write fast in a moment. We can write slower in a moment than snails. We must keep a uniform speed. When you hear the main message and need more energy to remember, slow down the writing speed appropriately. When information is relatively minor, the writing speed can be accelerated. In addition, when writing numbers, the order can not be confused.


  The second way is to read the numbers along the same order, and repeat after listening. The form of operation is the same as method. In addition, every time a paragraph changes, the starting point of the number changes. If the last paragraph is written from 1 to 50, then when listening to the new paragraph, you can't choose 50 or 49 as the starting point. You should choose a number as far away as possible from 50, so as to avoid the formation of stereotypes in your brain, which can't achieve the effect of practice.


  Question two


  How to qualify the translation performance?


  A good interpreter knows how to control the rhythm. There is often a problem with new translation, that is to say, there is no way to go forward without a cadence. In the end, it was hard to follow, and was not always able to keep up with it.


  A mature translation must have its own unique and comfortable rhythm. We all have habits, but there are several points for reference in the process of training.

  a. 先說說一味往前趕的壞處。沒有(yǒu)抑揚頓挫的說話,聽衆聽起來會很(hěn)累,漸漸地就聽不進去了。另外,自己也繃得太緊、沒有(yǒu)放松的機會,很(hěn)容易出錯。有(yǒu)時候甚至自己都不知道說哪裏了,然後整句整句地丢失。

  A. first, let's talk about the disadvantages of going forward. Without a cadence, the audience would be tired and would not listen. Besides, they are too tight and have no chance to relax. It is very easy to make mistakes. Sometimes I even don't know where to say it, then I lose it in whole sentence.

  b. 正确的做法是:句子、意群之間要有(yǒu)停頓,句子、意群中(zhōng)間快速推進。比如:“我在考慮入一個feature phone。以前大愛短信,改用(yòng)觸摸屏手機後,人生一大樂事就此消亡。”

  The correct way for B. is that there should be a pause between sentences and groups of ideas. For example, "I'm thinking of entering a feature phone. Before the Big Love SMS, switch to touch screen phone, a great pleasure in life will die out.


  Think of this sentence as a simple group of four meanings, and each group will complete a quick move. That is: each underlined part is said to be finished very quickly, and a short line is completed. It's a bit wordy.

  c. 停頓是為(wèi)了幫助客戶分(fēn)解句子、更好地抓住講者的實際意思。中(zhōng)間說得快,是為(wèi)了跟上講者的速度,不丢失信息。

  C. pause is to help customers break down sentences and better grasp the actual meaning of speakers. The middle said quickly, in order to keep pace with the speaker, without losing information.

  d. 有(yǒu)時候會遇到語速非常快的客戶,這時就需要你的“薄嘴皮子”了。但中(zhōng)間還是要适當停頓。

  D. sometimes meets customers who speak very fast, and you need your "thin mouth". But the middle must be stopped properly.

  e. 為(wèi)了培養良好的節奏,一方面需要磨嘴皮子,一方面需要理(lǐ)解講者的實際意思、有(yǒu)效地組織語言。還有(yǒu)一個容易忽視的點:調節呼吸,不注意的話會聽起來很(hěn)喘,聽衆還是覺得累。

  E. In order to cultivate a good rhythm, on the one hand, we need to sharpen our mouths, on the other hand, we need to understand the actual meaning of the speaker and organize the language effectively. There's another easy to overlook: breathing, if you don't pay attention to it, it will sound very breathless, and the audience will still feel tired.


  Question three


  How to judge whether a job should be answered?


  If we dare to meet, it does not mean that we will meet in disorder.

  開始階段,不要頻繁的去接技(jì )術難度過大的會議,尤其是技(jì )術培訓、技(jì )術研讨會等,比如說某個醫(yī)學(xué)或者化工(gōng)的研讨會。如果你沒有(yǒu)足夠的背景知識,準備時間也不充足的情況下,最好不要接。

  At the beginning, don't frequently attend technical difficult meetings, especially technical training, technical seminars, such as a medical or chemical seminar. If you don't have enough background knowledge and you don't have enough time to prepare, you'd better not pick up.


  If you are not prepared enough, you can't speak out in the same biographies, you can't talk nonsense, or you can bump and bump in the Convention venue. If you don't know one thing or another, you will greatly affect the impression of your customers. If you are serious, you will be directly put into the cold palace and fall before you start.


  You are advised to give yourself more time to prepare. If you receive only one meeting a month, you will succeed in doing it well. In a month, you have received 4 meetings, but each of them is not satisfactory, nor can it be regarded as success.


  In addition, if a translation company asks you, "One hour simultaneous transmission, can one person do it?" or "A two-hour dinner simultaneous transmission, eat without translation, as long as the communication simultaneous transmission is good." This kind of meeting needs careful acceptance. It may be that a person has completed a simultaneous transmission which is far more than an hour, exhausted, and ultimately lost. If there is such a situation of overtime, don't suffer dumb losses. Communicate with the translation company or customers in time and inform them of their actual working hours. Don't worry about offending translation companies and customers. Timely disclosure is your professional performance.


  For new people, preparation before the meeting is important, and the summary after the meeting is equally important. If conditions permit, you can record your own interpretation, listen carefully after the meeting, and summarize the experience of verification. In short, for newcomers, at the beginning, we should not simply pursue the number of meetings, but also pay attention to the quality of task completion. We should do a good job in every meeting and build up our own reputation with hard quality.


  Question four


  Do I need to "wrap" myself?


  Some interpreters have asked why they seldom get the chance to apply after they have sent their resumes to major recruitment websites. That's because your resume is not professional enough to reflect their own advantages and has been brushed out before they can apply.


  When looking for a job, the employer's main concern is not whether you have been a monitor or organized social activities before, but whether you have relevant translation experience and what related translation projects you have participated in.


  Therefore, an interpreter should highlight the contents of his client's attention in his resume. In addition, for different customers, you may need to prepare different resumes so that customers can know if you are qualified for their work.


  Question five


  Have you read the translation major, looking for a job well?


  Not necessarily, because some students are serious in school, but there is still a distance from the practical application; another important reason is that many large companies "conservative" thinking is rampant.


  So-called "conservative", the company likes to use some fixed translation, one is long-term cooperation price can be reduced, the other is good tacit understanding, it takes time cost to reconcile the new interpretation. So many companies are not willing to hire new people. So in the process of learning, do not forget to take part in practice and accumulate related resources.


  Question six


  What is the most important in translation?



  Just like what I said before, today's society demands versatile talents for translation. In addition to constantly strengthening their areas of expertise, they should also continue to learn other aspects of knowledge, care about current affairs and politics, understand economy and culture, understand and be good at areas.




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